The NHMS has been conducted every four years since 2011, with the first year of each cycle focused on non-communicable diseases and healthcare demand. In subsequent years, the survey hones in on other areas prioritized by the Malaysian Ministry of Health. The 2023 cycle marks the start of a new phase for the NHMS, which will delve into noncommunicable diseases, risk factors, healthcare demand, and other areas identified by stakeholders. This is essential in tracking trends from previous NHMSs conducted in 1986, 1996, 2006, 2011, 2015, and 2019.
NHMS 2023 with the theme “Non-communicable Diseases and Healthcare Demand” primary aim is to gather community-based data and evidence on non-communicable diseases, risk factors, and healthcare demand. The survey's findings will provide the Ministry of Health Malaysia with valuable insights to review national health priorities and programs, as well as monitor the country's progress towards national goals and global commitments.

Face-to-face interview

Self-administered Questionnaire

Clinical assessment

Blood investigation (Finger prick)

Computer-assisted telephone interview

Data Collection will be conducted from
July - September 2023
NHMS 2023 Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
Who involved in this survey?
- Respondent of all ages.
How was the household selected?
The household were randomly selected using sampling frame from Department of Statistic, Malaysia, where approximately 5,900 household were selected nationwide.
How we collect our data?
- Face-to-face interview
- Self-administered questionnaire
- Clinical assessment
- Blood investigation (finger prick)
- Computer-assisted telephone interview (CATI)
What is the output from this study?
- The data and report resulting from this survey will be shared with key stakeholders to aid in monitoring, surveillance, and policy formulation related to SDG/UHC indicators, among others.
- Additionally, survey findings will be disseminated through various means such as reports, fact sheets, research highlights, infographics, publications, and presentations.
- The data set collected during the survey will be made available to any interested party upon request, for publication, once the lock period of one year has elapsed.
What are the benefits of being in this survey?
- While there may be no direct health benefits to participating in this survey, the data collected will be instrumental in guiding policy decisions aimed at enhancing healthcare outcomes for non-communicable diseases control and preventions.
How long does it take for an interview and anthropometry session?
- Approximately 40 minutes - 1 hour.
What are the risks and side effects of participating in this study?
- Participating in this survey poses no risk to you. The self-administered questionnaires may include highly sensitive and personal questions, but all responses and information provided will be treated with the utmost confidentiality.
Who will come to the household?
- The selected household will be visited by the Data Collection Team consisting of 3 research assistants and a nurse. Data collectors will be provided with:
- Official name tags for identification and letter of appointment
- Permission letter to conduct the survey
Can the study participation be terminated?
- This study is entirely voluntary, and you may choose to withdraw your participation at any point in time. You can rest assured that your decision will be respected, and no explanation will be required
Contact Us
Institut Kesihatan Umum (IKU)
Kompleks Institut Kesihatan Negara (NIH)
No.1, Jalan Setia Murni U13/52
Seksyen U13, Setia Alam
40170 Shah Alam, Selangor
Dr. Halizah Binti Mat Rifin (Principal Investigator)
NHMS Hotline
Telephone: 03-3362 8787