What isNHMS 2022: Adolescent Health?
In 2012, 1st nation-wide school-based survey was conducted using World Health Organization (WHO) Global school-based student health survey (GSHS) questionnaire & methods under National Health & Morbidity Survey (NHMS) umbrella. In 2017, 2nd nation-wide school-based survey was conducted (using similar methods and questionnaire as GSHS 2012). Part of the strategy under “National Plan of Action for Adolescent Health”. Secondary schools as entry point to target population (adolescents in Malaysia). In general, the purpose of this year survey is to assess health risk behaviors and protective factors among students in Malaysia.

In addition, NHMS 2022: Adolescent Health will be focusing on topics such as;
- alcohol use
- dietary behavior
- drug use
- practice of hygienic behaviors
- mental health problems, including depression and online gaming
- practice of physical activity
- identified protective factors
- risky sexual behaviors
- tobacco use
- violence and unintentional injury

The activities conducted during the survey
The survey will involve self-administered questionnaire (SAQ) and anthropometry measurements.
Data collection period
Data collection will be conducted from June to July 2022 at selected schools nationwide involving;

Who involved in this survey?
Secondary school students (Form 1-5) at randomly selected schools nationwide with an average of 140 students involved in each selected school.
Who will come to the school?
The selected school will be visited by the Data Collection Team consisting of 4 research assistants’ officers and a team supervisor. Data collectors will be provided with:
- Official name tags for identification and letter of appointment
- Permission letter to conduct the survey
How was the school selected?
The schools were randomly selected using sampling frame from Bahagian Perancangan dan Dasar Pendidikan, Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia where approximately 240 schools were selected throughout Malaysia.
What are the survey activities?
The survey will involve self-administered questionnaire (SAQ) and anthropometry measurements (weight and height).
How long does it take for an interview and anthropometry session?
Approximately 45 minutes.
What are the risks and side effects of participating in this study?
There is no risk if you participate in this survey. The self-administered questionnaires consist of very sensitive and personal questions. All information and answers are treated CONFIDENTIAL.
Can the study participation be terminated?
The participation in this study is voluntary and students may withdraw at any time.
Contact Us
Institut Kesihatan Umum (IKU)
Kompleks Institut Kesihatan Negara (NIH)
No.1, Jalan Setia Murni U13/52
Seksyen U13, Setia Alam
40170 Shah Alam, Selangor
Mr. Lim Kuang Kuay (Principal Investigator)
NHMS Hotline
Telephone: 03-3362 8799