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NHMS 2020


Institute for Public Health (IKU) will be conducting the National Survey Health and Morbidity (NHMS) 2020 : Communicable Disease. Data collection will be conducted from August to November 2020 involving 100 enumeration blocks and 2,000 residential units with estimation of 5,000 respondents were selected throughout Malaysia. A total of 12 teams of data collectors will involve in the field data collection. Data collection process will be carried out in two phase

Phase 1
• Seroprevalens study will involve activities such as face-to-face interviews and blood samplings. The topics involve are hepatitis B, C and seroprevalens COVID-19. During this first phase, scouting activities will conducted to identify the houses involved in this survey, and data collection activities will be conducted at nearby health clinics. A total of 5 ml of blood sample will be taken through venous puncture method for adult respondents while 2.5 ml - 3 ml for children and adolescents. All blood samples will be sent to the Institute for Medicines Research (IMR) for COVID-19 laboratory tests while Hepatitis B and C laboratory tests will be sent to a certified private laboratory.

Phase 2
• Interview by telephone (Call assisted telephone interview, CATI) will involve similar respondents from the first phase. The modules consists of tuberculosis, antibiotic use, HIV knowledge, HIV stigma, awareness of malaria, dengue prevention and zoonotic infections from pets at home.

This survey will be conducted with cooperation from the State Liaison Officer (Communicable Disease unit) from each State Health department and blood samplings will be conducted by nurse or assistant medical officer from Ministry of Health Malaysia.